The New Normal and digital transformation in education
The covid 19 pandemic significantly increased the technology value and it made necessary the digital transformation in education throughout the world, however, this is not a secret to anyone, nor is it a secret that this modality of study already existed in times prior to the health emergency.
Precisely, virtual education was born under the main need to shorten distances and provide opportunities to those people who due to various circumstances could not move to a classroom. That is why, in my mind, it represented a solution for educational institutions in the face of the conjuncture.
It is in this way that society managed to identify the great benefits that the evolution of virtual education has had for this educational modality to offerthe academic community to such an extent that they transformed their whole life to the digital environment, which was an inevitable challenge for all.
Both schools, universities and other institutions, as well as students and teachers, had to turn their strategies, methodologies and educational plans, train their skills, assume new responsibilities and of course, evolve! in order to respond assertively to the needs of the sector to guarantee the training of students.
Tools for the digital transformation in education
A fundamental part in the evolution of virtual education is that teachers understood that their classes had to go beyond uploading tasks to a virtual classroom or doing master classes through a screen, for this, it was key to relate much more to the virtues of the internet and identify some innovative pages and platforms to transmit knowledge effectively and attractively for students.
There are some pages that have become allies of teachers in this new normal, as they ensure the learning method through interactive games, challenges, activities, trivia, workshops, etc.
Main methods of online training
Online teaching in the new normal that is currently lived, has managed to demonstrate some methods and categories of education in virtual mode, which were probably not visible before, some of these are:
Synchronous Method
This type of learning is characterized by several people exchanging their knowledge, ideas or experiences in real time, usually videoconferences, audios and live presentations are made.
Asynchronous Method
It is a learning strategy that allows the student to learn and discover concepts on their own without having to have an interaction or instant feedback, they are characterized by being recorded courses that students can play and repeat whenever they want.
B-Learning Method
It is the combination of the asynchronous and synchronous method. This teaching can integrate digital and face-to-face media at the same time. It manages to optimize the student’s training, since he can learn at his own pace withrecorded classes and at the same time, he can interact with the teacher and his classmates during live classes that can be face-to-face or remote.
Thanks to this evolution of virtual education, some taboos of virtuality have disappeared, to the point that many people in the face of the new normal, prefer to stay at home to learn than have to move to other parts of the city. We could assure that the conjuncture of the pandemic brought with it in many aspects a new way of seeing education and even the possibility of working for a quality virtual education.